Friday, October 24, 2008

It's a Scary Friday

So today was my rest day!  I was glad!  Although I wouldn't have complained with a couple more hours!  It's raining today, I kinda like it!

So why is it a scary Friday?  Well, Jake is making me go to a haunted house with friends.  I HATE HAUNTED HOUSES.

I am excited about my kickboxing class tomorrow morning, then I plan to go and run  6 miles!  I am interested to see how it goes!

Breakfast: Whole Wheat Cream of Wheat with pomegranate:  200

Lunch: Boring and By myself, soup, salad, hummus on wheat:  195

Snack:  Plum:  65


1 comment:

ame said...

I think running through the haunted house should count toward cardio haha! :)