Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday-My Turkish Cravings Met!

So I got up and did 2 miles, probably shouldn't have, but did.  I was scheduled to rest!  OOPS!

Breakfast:  cereal, apple:  200 calories

Lunch:  Hummus, chicken couscous:  not sure, but i know it was  ALOT of food!

Snack:  Mini Rice cakes:  100 calories

Dinner:  Bowl of cereal:  165 calories

Total Calories:  somewhere between 1500-1800 :P

1 comment:

ame said...

2 miles for you is like walking from the front door to my car haha! :) you're an over-achiever haha!! jk and you had chicken couscous...I'm so jealous!!!!