Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday-20 Down

So I got in my 20 mile run. But, I have to admit, it was the hardest run of my life. After a week of no running and being sick, it was tough! But, I did it. And, it was a good lesson in what to do if I get shin splits or cramps in the beginning of my race. The first 4 miles was full of them, but I was able to stop, stretch and walk a few feet, and then run, then stop, stretch, walk a few feet, then run. Finally I got the 20 miles done!

Breakfast: 2 bananas, sports beans, cereal, orange: 425 calories

Snack: Orange, veggies, tea with half and half: 150

Dinner: Egg, cheese, turkey sausage casserole, sweet potato, peach: 485 calories

Snack: Clif Bar, popcorn, apple: 405

Total Calories: 1465

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