Sunday, September 7, 2008

Saturday-A Long Way

So I got in 18 miles. I was beginning to think it was more than I could do on Friday evening, but I did it! I felt strong to even when I finished. I think I can do this marathon!

Then, I came home after running and grocery shopping and cleaned and painted my bedroom. I am pretty pleased.

Breakfast: banana, sport beans, wheat bread: 270 calories

Snack: banana, grapefruit: 195

Dinner: Boca burger, veggies, squash, fruit: 440 calories

Snack: orange: 50 calories

Snack: cereal, rice cake, yogurt: 315 calories

Total Calories: 1270 calories

I was so tired I ended up going to bed at 8:15, I have a feeling that my next 2 long runs on Saturdays will lead to the same bedtimes!!! But, it was a happy exhaustion. I did it, and I was proud!

1 comment:

ame said...

wow! congratulations on the 18 miles! :) you're almost there!!!