Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saturday-and Sheri nailed it!!

So, I didn't gorge myself or make an excuse for bad eating. I came home from the weekend quite ready to run 14 miles and quite proud of myself!

Breakfast: Watermelon, fresh cherries, banana: 200 calories (estimating high)

Lunch: We ate at a French-Vietnamese Restaturant called the La Colonial: Sauteed chicken with yams, mango, string beans, cashews all in yellow curry sauce, over jasmine rice: ?? calories

Snack: Balance Bar: 100 calories

Dinner: 2 Luna Bars: 360 calories

Total calories: No idea, but 1500 or a bit under maybe.

La Colonial is now dubbed my FAVORITE RESTAURANT IN THE WORLD! I have NEVER had anything so tasty. It was light, but extremely flavorful! I miss it already!

But, like I said earlier, so proud of myself for sticking to it! (Amy, is that bragging?)

1 comment:

ame said...

no, not bragging!! :)