Monday, August 25, 2008

Dreaded Mondays

So, does it mean I am lazy when all I REALLY want to do is get up, workout, and go back to sleep? Oh well, it's not meant for today, I guess.  This Monday morning begins with taking my dog, Arwen to the vet.  She has ear infections in BOTH ears!  I lifted weights, did situps and biked this morning.
Breakfast:  Egg Sandwich, grapefruit:  160 calories

Snack:  Cucumber: 45 calories

Lunch:  Salad, Plum:  240 calories

Snack:  Cucmber and tea with half and half:  65 calories

Dinner: Crab Quesadilla, yellow squash, sweet potato, orange:  495 calories

Snack: popcorn, oatbran, rice cake:  450 calories

Total Calories:  1455

I honestly don't know why I call the last thing a snack, it's another HUGE meal!! HA! And it is the cause of many disagreements as my husband looks at me with disdain!  As if he has any right to think of me as gluttenous!!!

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