Wednesday, August 6, 2008


My run went really well this morning!  I got in 4 miles.  It was supposed to be an easy run, and I think I finally understand the definition of an easy run.  I was struggling for a while cause my "easy" runs were the same as my runs where I push it.  The weather wasn't much to brag on.  SERIOUSLY, the humidity is killin' me!  

So here is the rest of Sheri's day!

Breakfast:  Kashi GoLean Cereal, 1/2 grapefruit:  220 calories

Snack:  Broccoli, watermelon:  60 calories

Lunch:Salad, carrots and celery, watermelon:  235 calories

Snack:  Broccoli, watermelon, tea with half and half:  80 calories

Dinner:  Kashi Frozen meal, sweet potato, broccoli and peach:  535 calories

Snack: popcorn, apple butter sandwich, rice cake:  350 calories

Total:  1480 calories

It's ok Amy, you are doing great.  Sometimes things get in the way like weekends and sickness, but the important thing is to get back to it when you can!  So props to you for getting back on track so quickly!

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