Monday, August 11, 2008

Sheri's Begrudged Mondays

This morning called for weights and 40 minutes of biking.  It was a bit difficult getting up, but I made it out of bed and down to the workout room!  I can feel myself getting tired, so I really need to focus on good sleep!  Cause the longer my runs get, the more it will take out of me!

Breakfast:  GoLean Kashi cereal, skim milk, blueberries:  223 calories

Snack:  Cucumber, plum :  90 calories

Lunch: Cheesy Quesadilla, celery, plum:  300 calories

Snack: Cucumber, plum:  75 calories

Dinner:  Parmesan Dill Orange roughy, green beans, zucchini, sweet potato:  370 calories

Snack:  popcorn, rice cake: 400 calories

Total calories:  1460

Amy fixed a cheesy quesadilla as the meal of the week.  It was GREAT!!! I loved the flavor of the cheese and spices and it was perfectly crunchy!!!!  AAAHHHH!!! Great job!!  This was my favorite part of the day!!

By the way, great idea Amy about posting the recipe!!!!

1 comment:

ame said...

thank you!!!! :)